Version history
New features in 1.5 Beta 2 |
- Clipboard history fixed
- Doesn't use WASTEfield any longer, this results in the following changes:
- Unicode problems are solved now
- Horizontal scrollbar works better
- Anti aliased text
- Service menu works
- Insert > List entry (Cmd-L) inserts a LI Tag pair
- New preferences for default file format (Mac, Win, Unix) for new documents
- Tab size removed, but instead uses number of spaces when tabs are disabled
- Once again improved syntax coloring
- Open Recent menu
New features in 1.5 Beta 1 |
- WebKit Preview (Web Menu > WebKit Preview; or Command-Zero) (not 100% complete)
- Fixed open document bug
- Update check
- Improved window menu
- Improved browser icons (128x128x32 icons scaled down to 32x32x32 instead of using 32x32x8), iCab icon is found now
New features in 1.5 Nightly May 2004 |
- Supports Firefox and Mozilla
- Uses a property list for Preferences
- Default document height is smaller
- Moving the cursor with arrows now again updates current line display
- Optimized the current character display (about 50% faster)
- Toolbar icons aren't corrupt any longer
- XHTML mode uses STRONG and EM, can be used in HTML (adjust in Preferences dialog)
- JavaScript mode which essentially changes syntax coloring from HTML to JavaScript
New features in 1.5 preview release 3 |
- Mac OS X style toolbar with new icons (thanks Fred)
- Finds .app browsers (including Safari and Firefox)
- Open source project (sourceforge.net/projects/creatext/)
- New menu command: Edit > Show last dialog (Cmd-D) re-opens the dialog you had opened at last
- Fixed Replace dialog
- Uses System font size 11 instead of Geneva
- Custom tab size is shown in the Preferences dialog (before it would always display 32)
- For previewing files, CreaText now always uses the latest version; this means if you made changes but didn't save them, CreaText uses the altered version, not the last saved as before
- Two new menu commands for inserting a center tag:
Insert > Basic > Center tag (Cmd-Shift-V) inserts a CENTER/CENTER tag pair
Insert > Basic > Center div (Cmd-Option-V) inserts a DIV align="center"/DIV tag pair
- Fixed the XHTML 1.0 doctypes
- Fixed bug when cancelling when closing multiple unsaved windows would result in an endless loop
- AppleScript menu supports unlimited count of folders
- Fixed a bug in the Formatting dialog showing two double crosses (heavy REALbasic bug indeed)
- Find Dialog supports auto complete (simple and only per CreaText session)
- HTML/XHTML mode menu at the bottom of the main window
- Arrow keys don't mark the document as changed anymore (bug in WASTEfield)
New features in 1.5 preview release 2 |
- Uses Carbon Declare Library 02/03 (supplies many useful functions)
- CSS fix (dotted instead of dooted)
- End Tag auto complete omits <FRAME>
- Insert > Link now mapped to Command-K, so Mac OS X can use Command-H to Hide CreaText
- Mac OS X folder icons (thanks Zaki)
- New Preferences icons (thanks Zaki)
- Color chooser problem fixed
- Fixed a bug where new blank documents with HTML in it had lowercase DTDs
- Fixed some smaller bugs in Find/Replace/RegEx
- Recoloring when (quoted) attributes are entered
New features in 1.5 preview release 1 |
- Redesigned 'New document' dialog
- Redesigned 'Meta' dialog
- Rearranged 'Preferences' dialog
- Carbonized release for MacOS X users available
- Line breaks only when you enter a carriage returns -> horizontal scrollbar
- Redesigned 'Find' dialog -> Regular Expressions
- End-Tag auto complete
- Scrollbar appearance (Windows Internet Explorer feature)
- Supports HTML 3.2
- Color chooser displays color name of selected color
- Fixed FTP bug which would cause an application crash
- Small bugfixes
- Internal optimizations
- Uses Carbon Declare Library 12/14/02 (supplies many useful functions)
- Text encoding works now - at least I think so! please use with caution! UNIX
encoding still not implemented
New features in 1.4.5
Improved AppleScript support
Some smaller improvements
Supports Shortcut Icons (Windows Internet Explorer feature)
New features in 1.4.4
Text encoding for Windows files
'Apply' submenu in 'CSS' submenu for easily applying predefined styles. Put
these styles into the 'Apply' folder in the 'CSS' folder. The cool thing is:
If you press the option key when selecting the menu item, the styles use a
<SPAN> Tag, and with the shift key you get a <DIV> Tag
”/ë bugfix
You can use up to 10 folders for the AppleScript menu
Improved color chooser (looks better, preview does not flicker)
New features in 1.4.3
Copy and Cut bugfix
Special characters support –/„
Fixed separator line dialog
New features in 1.4.2
Interface changes
Internal changes and optimizations
Fixed bracket matching in JavaScript dialog
XHTML mode is now set in every document, not globally, and some bugs fixed
with this and the 'New document' dialog
'Insert link' dialog ('Link...' in 'Basic' submenu in 'Insert' menu)
Updated help
Made 'Remove Resource Fork' a bit safer by not allowing to remove an application's,
control panel's or system file's Resource Fork
Clipboard history, maybe someone can find this useful
Uses updated version of one REALbasic plugin which may be better on some
New features in 1.4.1
SOME Bugfixes
The Exchange left two letters menu entry in the Text services submenu becomes
Reverse Selection when some text is selected
Corrected BIG MISTAKE in the help concerning web safe colors (thanks to JP
for his complaint)
XHTML mode menu entry in the Edit menu for better XHTML support
Compacted Meta Tags dialog
Improved Java dialog
New features in 1.4
XHTML 1.0 support (unfortunately, there is no option to output X(HT)ML code)
FTP support
Redesigned CSS dialog with more options
Special characters functions extended and optimized
Small fix in the color chooser
Changed table dialog so the first cell is not 0,0 but 1,1
Improved Tag coloring
Improved Mimic Tag
Optimized Replace All function
Improved auto indent
Some smaller improvements and changes
Option for default Tag case
Some Bugfixes
Replaced Custom HTML with Stationary submenu (in File menu)
Another nifty thing: If a dialog contains only one group of radio button
(e.g. the 'New document' dialog) you can cycle through them by pressing OptionTab.
New features in 1.3.2
Fixed Tag uppercase/lowercase function (now doesn't affect comments)
Improved Tag coloring
Cosmetical changes
More dialogs support drag and drop (will be documented one day...)
Reactivated drag & drop
New features in 1.3.1
Many bugfixes
Improved auto indent
The Image, Multimedia, External JS/CSS dialogs support drag & drop
I had to disable the possibility to drag & drop text within the text
field in the main window and in the JS dialog because it caused a crash
Improved Tag coloring
Some cosmetical changes
New features in 1.3
Shortcut for Recoloring the whole document (Command-R) and for coloring the
current line (Command-Shift-R); Strict (Command-1), Frame (Command-2), Transitional
(Command-3), Custom (Command-0) HTML
Improved CSS Support (greetings to Dennis)
Bugfix for 'Use settings from file' in New dialog
Bugfix for viewing documents in browsers
Improved Tag upper-/lowercase function
Optical improvements
Possibility to add own special characters (see examples; greetings to Tobias)
New handy text editing features (see Text services in Edit menu; greetings
to Tobias)
Now uses WASTE Text Engine, this results in faster recoloring the whole document,
Tag coloring that can change Tags when you enter or paste them, multiple undo/redo
and other nifty features
Tag coloring uses light blue color for Image- and Table-Tags
Bug-fix for Replace All function (again and again...)
JavaScript dialog with Syntax Coloring (thanks to WASTE again - never knew
that waste can be that useful) and some sort of bracket matching (not as good
as CodeWarrior's) and even auto indent
Better support for DOS and UNIX files
Really updated help
New features in 1.2
Real time character changing supports more characters
Fixed "Find selection" command in the contextual menu
Small improvements, enhancements and internal optimizations
Merged special characters, German and French into special characters, resulting
in a smaller toolbar
AppleScript menu (supports compiled scripts and text files)
Compacted HTML menu, with possibility to use custom HTML
Option to change Tags to uppercase or lowercase
Also finds browsers that are not on the boot disk
Option to color Tags in last line when switching to next or previous line
Updated help
hidden messages
New features in 1.1
Option to change special, German & French characters in real time
Icons for Help Viewer and Opera
Main window icons now hide if the browser wasn't found
Special character menu (also in contextual menu)
AppleScript support
Again fixed "Find" and "Find and Replace" dialogs
Enhanced and fixed "Document info" dialog
Compiled with latest REALbasic (3.2)
Fixed a bug in the "Table" dialog that could cause a crash
New options for drag and drop
New option in the "Web" menu and "Image" dialog to remove
a file's Resource Fork
New features in 1.0
First non-beta release
Defaults for Meta Tags
Enhanced and debugged "Find" and "Find and Replace"
File > Insert added to insert other files in your file
compiled with latest REALbasic (3.1)
New features in 1.0b7
The Drag & Drop dialog can now use all options from the Image dialog
removed Real Time Tag coloring because it doesn't work well
many, many, many bug fixes
color chooser recognizes color names, e.g. white instead of #FFFFFF
compiled with latest REALbasic (3.0)
E-Mail Link dialog
External scripts are listed in JavaScript menu (see example addon or documentation)
Scripts and Meta Tags are now placed automatically into the <HEAD>
Form menu completed
two new scripts (max window, center window)
new, entirely rewritten table dialog
browsers are found automatically, you don't have to select them
Support for Opera, OmniWeb and Help Viewer
You can control CreaText from within other applications using AppleEvents
(see documentation)
New features in 1.0b6
Changed the creation of a " " from Shift-Space to Command-Space,
see also the Insert>Basic submenu
Optical improvements
Lots of bugfixes, also in the Image loop script
Added to many dialogs a button for the easy selection of a file
Added new logo, thanks to Martin Herde
Supports drag & drop of multiple files
Support for forms (until now: input field, input area, radio buttons, checkboxes,
first version of a help
New features in 1.0b5
Pressing the Space and Shift Key creates a " "
Correctly opens DOS and Unix files (currently, it then will be changed to
a Mac file when saving)
Improved Undo a little bit
When you put a JavaScript script into a comment, the whole script is colored
red (no mistakes will be done)
Icons in main window are explained, color chooser icon added
Added Text Style menu
In the "New document" dialog you can use settings from an existing
New features in 1.0b4
Added more functions to contextual menu
Redesigned the main window
'Save as...' can use either original creator or CreaText creator
Accelerated recoloring about 25% (but it's still too slow for real time coloring)
If the tag recoloring takes too long, you can cancel it using Command-Period
Added new function that allows the 'Insert Image' dialog and the 'Drag &
Drop' dialog to use a relative path for easier including of files
Support for HTML 4.01
New features in 1.0b3.1
fixed a bug that would change the menus to German
changed About dialog
New features in 1.0b3
small bugfixes
many cosmetical and internal improvements (e.g. every EditField now supports
Select all and Select nothing menu commands)
new JavaScript script (Image change)
added CSS Dialog
added Multimedia Dialog
added first version of Table Dialog (final version will be different/better)
new color chooser (supports HSV and is a bit more comfortable to use)
New features in 1.0b2
More or less real time Tag Coloring
You can change German and French characters and special characters (e.g.
Cosmetical changes
Removed all German words from the English release
Several bug fixes
Added dialogs for Images and Image Maps
When you press the enter key, holding down the option key will insert <BR>,
holding down shift key will insert <P></P>
Tag Coloring colors Comments and !DOCTYPE
First public release: Beta Preview 1.0 and 1.0b1 (no features listed)